Crime Thriller Series
Set in the Rocky Mountains, this story chronicles the cases of Remington Dean, a former minister and Texas Ranger who now investigates the crimes in the National Parks of Colorado. Surrounded by an eclectic and sometimes mysterious and manipulative cast of characters, he battles criminal rednecks, corrupt business leaders, the mob, and his own demons. There's intrepid local reporter Ashleigh Storms who just wants to tell the truth, even if she hides it from herself.
Ben Samuels is a Colorado Bureau of Investigations agent that wants to play the hero, but his partner is a veteran named Walt Marino that brings a dry air of cynicism.
Sadie Donovan is a rookie detective in Eden Falls, an idyllic vacation town in valley, and she wants to prove herself to be capable, and will not take no for an answer.
Brent Chase just wants to run a successful coffeeshop, but when he witnesses a murder, he finds himself trapped in a world of crime. And he might just like that...
Rhett Windsor is a mountain man with a crime-filled family. No one takes the giant man seriously, but he is well aware that people only see what they want to see. And he can use that.
The Tolberts are rivals of the Windsors. With less teeth and more anger, they might just be the most dangerous thing in the mountains.
Ben Samuels is a Colorado Bureau of Investigations agent that wants to play the hero, but his partner is a veteran named Walt Marino that brings a dry air of cynicism.
Sadie Donovan is a rookie detective in Eden Falls, an idyllic vacation town in valley, and she wants to prove herself to be capable, and will not take no for an answer.
Brent Chase just wants to run a successful coffeeshop, but when he witnesses a murder, he finds himself trapped in a world of crime. And he might just like that...
Rhett Windsor is a mountain man with a crime-filled family. No one takes the giant man seriously, but he is well aware that people only see what they want to see. And he can use that.
The Tolberts are rivals of the Windsors. With less teeth and more anger, they might just be the most dangerous thing in the mountains.
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